Our Mission & Identity

'An education in the Mercy tradition invites us to take up a challenge - one that encourages us to develop fully our own God given talents. At the same time, it enkindles within us a desire to assist others, so that they to 'may have life and have it to the full' (John 10:10)

Catherine McAuley School seeks to fulfil Catherine McAuley's vision of providing quailty educational opportunities to all children in surrounding communities.

"Be ever ready to praise, to encourage, to stimulate, but slow to censure, and still more slow to condemn." - Catherine McAuley

Values of a Mercy Education

Catherine McAuley’s actions and beliefs are an inspiration for all schools who educate in the Mercy tradition. We have six core values that we deliberately and consistently encourage our staff, students and community to demonstrate. 

These are:

  • Compassion – Do not be a bystander but show compassion to one another. We encourage and practise compassion within our school and community by putting our Faith In Action with fundraising activities. We promote inclusion and kindness throughout our school.
  • Justice - Standing up for what is right and helping those who cannot do it themselves. Through our school policies and pastoral care, we create fairness and justice in our relationships with students, staff and families and in our daily interactions with others through words, actions and attitude.
  • Respect - We recognise and acknowledging the goodness in everyone and everything. We show respect and recognise we must earn our communities respect through our words, actions and attitudes. Students are encourage to celebrate the goodness of others at home, school and in the general community.
  • Hospitality - Being kind, generous and welcoming to our friends, family and those we know is easy. It takes courage to welcome the stranger. We remove barriers that stop us from extending hospitality to ensure we are an inclusive and kind community.
  • Service - Service means using our talents and gifts to help others. Service enriches our classrooms, our school and our broader community.
  • Courage - To act with courage takes strength, resilience and often the right words. Our school is a safe environment where children can learn to be courageous, whether through attempting difficult tasks, changing their behaviour, taking action against injustice, or tackling a personal difficulty. Courage comes in small acts and big steps.

We strive to deepen our relationship with God and one another and to intensify our work with those seeking a more just and inclusive world.

Faith, Growth & Unity

Faith, Growth & Unity are an expression of our school as a community, each word having a number of reflections.

  • Faith. We are a community of faith and that we focus towards an education in faith.
  • Growth. We are growing a community and that the education of our students is an ongoing growth process.
  • Unity. We are a Christian Community united together and in unity with our campus, local and world communities.


Catherine McAuley School is an affiliated member of Mercy Education.